• Council Meeting Minutes – April 11th 2018 (65 kB)

    Motion by Hahn, seconded by Schimek to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
    Motion by Adams, seconded by Schimek to approve the council minutes of March 28, 2018. Motion carried.
    Motion by Adams, seconded by Hahn to approve Goodhue Bellechester Rail Riders Raffle. Motion carried.
    Motion by Adams, seconded by Hahn to accept Public Works Assistant resignation. Motion carried.
    Motion by Adams, seconded by Hahn to accept summer quotes from Thomforde Enterprises & Bruening Rock. Motion carried.

  • Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes – April 11th 2018 (65 kB)

    Motion by Schimek, seconded by Adams to lower the valuation of 64.410.0030 to $357,700. Motion carried.
    Motion by Adams, seconded by Buck to make no change to 64.130.0080. Motion carried.
    Motion by Schimek, seconded by Adams to make to change to 64.131.0130. Motion carried.

  • Council Meeting Minutes – March 28th 2018 (69 kB)

    Motion by Buck, seconded by Hahn to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
    Motion by Schimek, seconded by Buck to approve the council minutes of March 14, 2018. Motion carried.
    Motion by Adams, seconded by Hahn to approve Jaycees liquor license for Volksfsest. Motion carried.
    Motion by Hahn, seconded by Schimek to approve 8/19/18 Lion’s Chicken Barbecue & Raffle. Motion carried.

  • Council Meeting Minutes – March 14th 2018 (64 kB)

    Motion by Adams, seconded by Hahn to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
    Motion by Schimek, seconded by Buck to approve the council minutes of February 28, 2018. Motion carried.
    Motion by Schimek, seconded by Buck to get quotes for soil testing of city commercial property. Motion carried.

  • Council Meeting Minutes – February 28th 2018 (67 kB)

    Motion by Adams, seconded by Hahn to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
    Motion by Hahn, seconded by Schimek to approve the council minutes of January 24, 2018. Motion carried.
    Motion by Adams, seconded by Schimek to name Keith Carlson to the Goodhue Gas Board. Motion carried.

  • EDA Meeting Minutes – January 10th 2018 (181 kB)

    Motion by Hahn, seconded by Schimek to approve the EDA minutes of December 13, 2017. Motion carried.

  • Council Meeting Minutes – December 13th 2017 (191 kB)

    Motion by Buck, seconded by Adams to approve the agenda with addition of Matt Disbrow, squad car updates. Motion carried.

  • Council Meeting Minutes – September 27th 2017 (185 kB)

    Motion by Buck, seconded by Schimek to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
    Motion by Adams, seconded by Schimek to approve the council minutes of September 13, 2017. Motion carried.
    Motion by Hahn, seconded by Schimek to approve business façade improvement program with matching assistance of $500-$2,500. Assistance account is limited to $10,000. Motion carried.
    Motion by Schimek, seconded by Buck to approve Lion’s annual winter raffle. Motion carried.

  • Council Meeting Minutes – August 9th 2017 (187 kB)

    Motion by Hahn, seconded by Buck to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
    Motion by Buck, seconded by Hahn to approve the council minutes of July 26, 2017. Motion carried.
    Loos presented police hours & call information to council.
    Motion by Adams, seconded by Hahn to give the Mayor & Clerk permission to review & approve Padriac Casey’s new house permit if brought in before next council meeting. Motion carried.
    Motion by Adams, seconded by Buck to approve Swenke Ims Contracting first pay application for $39,510.92. Motion carried.

  • Council Meeting Minutes – July 26th 2017 (181 kB)

    Motion by Hahn, seconded by Buck to remove CEDA Updates from the agenda. Motion carried.
    Motion by Buck, seconded by Hahn to approve the council minutes of June 12, 2017. Motion carried.
    Motion by Hahn, seconded by Buck to approve purchasing Ford Interceptor. Motion carried.
    Motion by Buck, seconded by Hahn to pay the bills. Motion carried.

  • Council Meeting Minutes – July 12th 2017 (189 kB)

    Motion by Buck, seconded by Hahn to amend the agenda to go into a closed session at the end of the meeting. Motion carried.
    Motion by Schimek, seconded by Buck to approve the council minutes of June 28, 2017. Motion carried.
    Motion by Schimek, seconded by Adams to approve the resolution providing the issuance & sale of a $900,000 general obligation improvement bond, series 2017A, pledging special assessments for the payment thereof. Motion carried.
    Motion by Adams, seconded by Hahn to approve Kim Lodermeier deck permit in accordance to all setbacks. Motion carried.

  • Council Meeting Minutes – June 28th 2017 (194 kB)

    Motion by Hahn, seconded by Schimek to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
    Motion by Buck, seconded by Adams to approve the council minutes of June 14, 2017. Motion carried.
    Motion by Schimek, seconded by Buck to approve the JC’s raffle to be held on 10/28/17. Motion carried.
    Donna Mack, CEDA, updated the council on current projects.
    Padriac Casey & Heather Beck discussed neighborhood dog noise.